Welcome to Religious Refugee Services


Religious Refugee Services (RRS) is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to supporting refugees; advocating for religious refugees, and providing resettlement in Canada. We provide individual and group services with those who are navigating new life in Canada.

We empower refugees to become full and equal members of Canadian society. We provide end-to-end support. While they are with us, we help find them with temporary housing, help them meet their basic needs, deliver basic orientations to life in Canada, and help them find permanent accommodations. Support groups comprised of community members volunteering their time to support refugees start their new life in Canada. Make friends and learn about other cultures. We assist new families throughout the integration process and help them navigate the community. Our community support groups make a tremendous difference to the new families.

We’re here to help them


Sponsor and Settle for Stability, Relief of Poverty for Well-being, Education for Empowerment, Motivation for Progress, and Public Advocacy for Rights

Sponsor and Settle

Provide Sponsorship and Settlement services in Canada to people who became refugees across the world due to religious persecution.


Conduct educational programs, host events, publish literature to create awareness about the plight of refugees.


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Public Advocacy

Deal with issues of interest and concerns to persons who are being persecuted based on their religious belief including, without limitation: (a) Securing public support in Canada for the enactment/ amendment of any required legislation relating to refugee and immigration law. (b) Making representations to government for the enactment/ amendment of such legislation; (c) Rendering assistance to the government by supplying information collected as a result of research carried on under the auspices of the Corporation; and (d) Co-ordinating activities of the Corporation with those of similar organizations, societies and individuals in Canada.


Religious Refugee Services actively serves as the source of information, guidance and support for the religiously persecuted humanity.
Religious Refugee Services


You will certainly have many questions about what awaits you in Canada. Such as:


They walk on the troubled waters before they could put their feet on comforting land. Every refugee brings an inspiring story. Get inspired!